Sex Addiction Malaga

Get your life back,
enjoy sex.

Without comprehensive treatment and therapy, sex addiction can lead to a range of negative physical and psychological consequences that affect health, well-being and quality of life.
Get information without obligation, we help you to recover your life.

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    Centro drogodependencia montealminara
    Tratamiento de adicciones montealminara
    Centro de adicciones montealminara
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    control sex malaga

    Controls sex Malaga

    Dominates an excessive sexual desire

    The most important first step in your sex addiction recovery journey is to seek expert help and support.

    MonteAlminara has a detox center in Malaga for sex addicts, in a natural environment close to the capital of Malaga. We are dedicated to providing high quality sex addiction treatment, empowering you to address the reasons you became addicted to sex in the first place, and helping you every step of the way to a healthy, happy, addiction-free future.

    Identify dependency
    Maintaining the absence
    Focus on change
    Reinforcement activities
    Family support

    Sexual behaviors and, in general, the field of sexuality is an extremely broad area. It includes within itself a countless number of practices, attitudes, tendencies and, consequently, ways in which it can become problematic for our lives.

    Problematic in that it can generate addictive behaviors that can manifest themselves in different ways, but have in common what we know as the pattern of an addiction: an inability to control these behaviors and attitudes, as well as an impulse to satisfy them over which we also have no autonomy.

    Sex addiction is more common than we think. It is considered that at least 5% of the population may stop controlling or abusing certain sexual behaviors. However, its diagnosis and identification can be complex, despite the fact that it is having a major impact on the life of the person affected by this addiction.

    Fortunately, thanks in part to society's increased openness to sexual issues, there is growing recognition of the need for these patterns of behavior to be addressed by professionals. And, in Malaga, you can count on the MonteAlminara team to provide you with the individualized, empathetic and professional attention you are looking for.

    Sex addiction, usually manifested in the form of uncontrolled need for sexual contact, is defined by a series of compulsively repeated behaviors.

    As with all other addictions, the defining feature is the lack of control over these behaviors, which often translates into hypersexuality. This causes the sufferer to constantly pay attention and spend time on these behaviors, i.e., practicing, thinking about or planning them.

    Normally, we identify this type of behavioral patterns because they end up affecting the performance of daily life, using a large amount of time and money or impairing the rest of the social, family or professional activities.

    Actually, this addiction can occur in a wide range of profiles. What they have in common is that compulsive sexual impulse, the inability to control it and, as a consequence, feelings of self-blame, constant reproaches, denial of the problem or distortion of the problem to minimize it.

    In this sense, we find certain biological conditioning factors added to a deficient socialization or obsessive and compulsive personality traits, which are common in many people, which in these cases have taken center stage to the point of determining the life of the sufferer, preventing them from leading a normal and self-controlled daily life.

    However, we can talk about traits that tend to be more common and are found in a higher percentage among sex addicts. In this case we will find:

    • Young men
    • Promiscuity
    • Low self-esteem

    In any case, the important thing in these situations is not to stigmatize either the problem or the sufferer. These types of addictions occur, and we must be aware that many people suffer from them. It is important to approach them for what they are: behaviors that harm ourselves and our daily lives and treat them professionally.

    For this, in Malaga, MonteAlminara has a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in these behavioral patterns that, leaving aside the judgment and from the total listening, will design the most appropriate guidelines for the circumstances of each person to work on the control of these patterns.

    In defining sex addiction we have already pointed out some of the factors that affect its development. However, we can mention more specifically several conditioning factors that can lead to it:

    • Chemical alterations in brain metabolism.
    • Dementia or epilepsy.
    • Presence of other addictions, mainly alcohol or drug abuse.
    • The existence of family or relational conflicts.
    • History of sexual abuse.

    In case of signs, recognition or identification of any of these traits that we believe may be promoting addictive behaviors that do not allow us to develop a life in which we can exercise control over the actions we perform, it is important to consult a professional. At MonteAlminara, we know how difficult it is to make this contact, and that is why we attend every person who contacts us with the total understanding and knowledge in addictive behaviors that our specialization provides us.

    One of the latest ways in which sexual behaviors or relationships have been projected is in the new technologies associated with the Internet, mainly cell phones. This term refers to those messages, photographs, etc., with sexual content sent through applications such as Whatsapp or chats and other platforms.

    Although it is a practice that has become relatively common in various types of relationships, it can become the focus of constant, uncontrolled attention and lead to the need to satisfy sexual impulses through the Internet or social networks in a constant and interruptive way of our daily activities. This can even lead to a subjugation of our daily life to behaviors derived from sexting. This is when we talk about an addiction.

    As in other manifestations of sex addiction, it is essential to identify it and start working on it as soon as possible to regain control of our actions. In this identification, we can find some symptoms common to those who are under the abuse patterns of sex-related behaviors.

    Generally speaking, in order for a behavioral pattern to be considered addictive and therefore need to be treated, we usually find several signs that must be sustained for at least 6 continuous months:

    • Response to stress with sexual practices or behaviors.
    • Planning, recreation and execution of sexual fantasies for an excessive amount of time.
    • Response to negative situations or events with sexual fantasies or behaviors.
    • Persistence in sexual practices that pose a risk, usually in the form of physical harm, to oneself or others.
    • Failed attempts to avoid, reduce or control these patterns of sexual behavior.

    If we identify these symptoms for long enough, it is important to avoid guilt and shame when expressing them. The recognition of these symptoms is already the first step to be able to put oneself in the hands of professionals who know how to work on these behaviors in order to regain control of daily life. But how is this work carried out?

    As with other addictions, treatment will be provided by physicians and psychologists specializing in these behaviors. In this case, in MonteAlminara in Malaga we also have professionals specifically trained in each area to work, including sex addiction.

    This type of treatment includes different types of activities, including individual psychotherapy, group therapies in addition to the possible needs in medication or treatment of other specific areas that each addict may need.

    This last point, the particularization of the treatment, is the key to ensuring a tailored itinerary that has the best chance of success. Within this particularization, sex addiction treatments include:

    • Identification of and acceptance of all sexually harmful behavior.
    • Learning and development of strategies to understand and control these attitudes in order to eliminate them.
    • Abstinence construction of uncontrolled attitudes that imply an affectation and deterioration of daily life.
    • Establishment of keys to self-esteem and identity that allow for an autonomous and satisfying life, also at the sexual level, free from addictive attitudes and harmful patterns.

    Within the different forms of therapy that will be carried out in the treatment, we will find the possibility of extracting approaches or techniques from several of them, thus being able to obtain the maximum benefit from what each one can contribute.

    Within these, cognitive behavioral therapy is the most widespread, being an essential approach when working to change behaviors that are harmful to ourselves. With this type of therapy it is achieved:

    • Avoid putting ourselves in situations that encourage the development of the behaviors we want to eliminate.
    • Identification of danger signs and elimination of the desires with which they are associated.
    • Techniques to deconstruct intrusive thoughts.

    Among many other actions that the specialists will put into practice to ensure a good therapeutic outcome and the eradication of addiction.

    At MonteAlminara, we believe in a global and personalized treatment of addictions. In this way, we are able to work on addiction from all the areas that, in one way or another, influence it. But also working from the specific circumstances of each person, key to direct a personalized and effective treatment.

    Our team of multidisciplinary professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, educators...) approaches each case from a comprehensive and specialized training coupled with the will and passion to obtain the best recovery for each patient: because our real reward is to see how each of the people who pass through our center in Malaga develop their lives free to direct it as they wish.

    But we are also aware of family involvement, effort and support. A fundamental support to which we reciprocate by creating adapted treatment options in which every situation has a place. So, for any information or if you have any questions, please contact us without obligation.

    Malaga Detoxification Center

    Phases of treatment

    A treatment ensuring that our patients are empowered to face their challenges, achieve better personal results and take steps towards a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.


    With close supervision and in constant relationship with the medical and therapeutic team at the center, we try to avoid withdrawal syndrome.



    With the help of the therapeutic team, behavioral change is facilitated to eradicate harmful habits related to substance use and replace them with others.



    The involvement of the family environment, individual and/or group therapies and therapeutic discussion groups are essential to achieve the therapeutic objectives.

    A team of addiction specialists you can trust

    The MonteAlminara Center has a professional team highly specialized in the treatment of addictions in all phases of detoxification, detoxification and rehabilitation of patients.

    Hours of operation

    24/7 without interruption

    Request for information

    Fill out the form below to make an inquiry. Or, if your request is urgent and you would prefer to speak to a member of our team, please call us at +(34) 952 641 207