Addiction Prevention Malaga


It is vitally important to devote efforts to prevention and to intervene early in addiction before it reaches more serious stages.

The training and awareness-raising sessions address, on the one hand, concepts common to all addictions, those specific to new technologies and all theoretical aspects of prevention and intervention with addictive behaviors.

Years of experience
15 +

Addiction Prevention Malaga

addiction prevention and training sessions

Teacher training

It is carried out in collaboration with educational and teacher training centers in order to share with them the experience of our center's experts, to provide them with the knowledge and strategies that will enable them to deal with students' addiction problems, to take the appropriate measures and to refer them to specialized services.

Campaigns for young people

At the request of schools and parent associations, as well as other interested entities. We carry out campaigns with information about drugs, testimonials from former addicts or the intervention of members of law enforcement agencies, coordinated by addiction professionals to act in a truly preventive manner and avoid messages that may be counterproductive.

New technologies

At Centro MonteAlminara we hold the status of "ICT Expert" within the national organization Padres 2.0 for the protection, prevention and treatment of children and young people against new technologies, in cases such as addiction to cell phones, internet and other problems related to them.

Hours of operation

24/7 without interruption

Request for information

Fill out the form below to make an inquiry. Or, if your request is urgent and you would prefer to speak to a member of our team, please call us at +(34) 952 641 207