Alcohol Benzodiazepines Malaga

Get your life back,
give up Benzodiazepines.

Without comprehensive treatment and therapy, Benzodiazepines addiction can lead to a range of negative physical and psychological consequences that affect health, well-being and quality of life.
Get information without obligation, we help you to recover your life.

    centro desintoxicacion montealminara
    Centro drogodependencia montealminara
    Tratamiento de adicciones montealminara
    Centro de adicciones montealminara
    Clínica de desintoxicación montealminara
    clinica tratamiento para dejar benzodiacepinas en malaga

    Quitting Benzodiazepines Malaga


    The most important first step in your benzodiazepine addiction recovery journey is to seek expert help and support.

    MonteAlminara has a detoxification center in Malaga for benzodiazepine addicts, in a natural environment close to the capital of Malaga. We are dedicated to providing high quality benzodiazepine addiction treatment, empowering you to address the reasons you became addicted to benzodiazepines in the first place, and helping you every step of the way to a healthy, happy, drug-free future.

    Identify dependency
    Maintaining the absence
    Focus on change
    Reinforcement activities
    Family support

    Benzodiazepines are psychotropic drugs that act on the central nervous system, with sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, amnesic and muscle relaxant (muscle relaxant) effects.

    Mainly, they have general anti-anxiety effects and promote physical and mental relaxation.

    Benzodiazepines can cause physical and psychological dependence, even at low doses, with withdrawal syndrome that begins slowly when the drug is withdrawn, so it must always be under medical supervision.

    The two main factors identified with benzodiazepine dependence are their ability to create tolerance (the body gets used to them and needs higher and higher doses to achieve the desired effect) and their psychological factor as a key agent in the creation of addiction, since they are drugs that calm anxiety and the patient perceives their effect as something clearly beneficial for him/herself.

    The most prominent side effects are sedation and drowsiness, incoordination of movement, difficulty in the use or control of the muscles of the mouth, tongue, larynx or vocal cords, double vision and vertigo.

    Benzodiazepines interact with hypnotic drugs and alcohol, enhancing sedation and increasing the euphoriant effect of opiates.

    Malaga Detoxification Center

    Phases of treatment

    A treatment ensuring that our patients are empowered to face their challenges, achieve better personal results and take steps towards a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.


    With close supervision and in constant relationship with the medical and therapeutic team at the center, we try to avoid withdrawal syndrome.



    With the help of the therapeutic team, behavioral change is facilitated to eradicate harmful habits related to substance use and replace them with others.



    The involvement of the family environment, individual and/or group therapies and therapeutic discussion groups are essential to achieve the therapeutic objectives.


    Un equipo de especialistas en adicciones en los que puede confiar

    centro tratamiento adicciones
    centro para adicciones
    clínica desintoxicación
    clinica desintoxicacion precios
    centro atencion de desintoxicacion

    El Centro MonteAlminara cuenta con un equipo profesional altamente especializado en el tratamiento de adicciones en todas las fases de desintoxicación, deshabituación y rehabilitación de pacientes.

    Hours of operation

    24/7 without interruption

    Request for information

    Fill out the form below to make an inquiry. Or, if your request is urgent and you would prefer to speak to a member of our team, please call us at +(34) 952 641 207